SPD Symptoms

Motor Disorder: Sensory Based Motor Disorder

Those with Sensory Based Motor Disorders (SBMD) have difficulty navigating this world. Their bodies simply don't do what their brains tell them to do. SBMD has been broken down into two different categories. The first is Dyspraxia, taken from the Greek word 'praxis' (to do) and the Latin prefix 'dys' (badly), and involves poor motor coordination, timing, planning, organizing and sequencing.

The second category of Sensory Based Motor Disorder is Postural Disorder. A sensory based Postural Disorder negatively impacts a person's muscle tone, balance, and ability to operate their muscles and operate their own bodies successfully. Often labeled as lazy and clumsy, those with a Postural Disorder have a hard time matching their peer's physical abilities and speed.

Related checklist: Dysgraphia


Tactile Based Motor Issues

_______ Difficulty handling scissors, eating utensils, and other handheld devices

_______ Difficulty performing various fine motor activities, such as zipping and buttoning clothing without looking

_______ Difficulty with dressing and handwriting

Vision Based Motor Issues

_______ Have a hard time navigating through crowded hallways or noticing obstacles before collision

_______ Unable to visualize and follow through with a multi-step physical task

_______ Poor hand-eye and foot-eye coordination

_______ Frequently miss when reaching for an object

_______ Difficulty navigating up or down stairs or across uneven surfaces

_______ Unable to learn complex movement plans, such as dance steps, by sight alone

Vestibular Based Motor Issues

_______ Difficulty learning, organizing, and performing unfamiliar movement sequences

_______ Unable to use what you've previously learned to help with new tasks

Proprioception Based Motor Issues

_______ Poor motor control and body awareness

_______ Experience anxiety around moving through space or moving up or down stairs

_______ May often over or under extend muscles to perform a task, causing you to break things or drop them

_______ Difficulty adjusting and navigating body parts to dress yourself efficiently

Postural Disorder

Oral Motor Dysfunction

_______ Frequently drool and have difficulty keeping things in your mouth

_______ May tend to spit while eating

_______ Poor eating habits, such as eating with your mouth open or not chewing thoroughly

Ocular Motor Dysfunction

_______ Difficulty tracking a moving object through your path of vision

_______ Poor depth perception

_______ Have a hard time using one eye to cover for another, crossing the visual midline

_______ Experience double vision when objects are placed several inches or more from face

_______ Difficulty focusing and getting your eyes to work well together

_______ Have terrible aim when reaching for objects

_______ Difficulty hitting a baseball or performing a similar task in another sport

Vestibular Motor Dysfunction

_______ Difficulty maintaining balance while standing, tend to lean or slump on objects, furniture and walls

_______ Poor balance when attempting physical activities, such as riding a bicycle, jumping, or going up and down stairs

_______ Move awkwardly and in an uncoordinated fashion

_______ Difficulty catching or protecting yourself when falling

_______ Very clumsy, often tripping or bumping into objects or knocking things over

_______ Sit in awkward or unusual positions to balance out the body

_______ Difficulty getting both sides of the body to work together or using one side to assist the other when performing physical tasks

_______ Have a hard time crossing the 'midline', moving one arm or leg across the center of the body

_______ Poor gross and fine motor skills

_______ Are loose, floppy, and fidgety

_______ Low endurance, tire easily

Proprioceptive Motor Dysfunction

_______ Poor posture while sitting or standing

_______ Low muscle tone, especially in the abdominal area

_______ Sit in awkward positions, like over the edge of a seat

_______ Often lean head forward onto hands, arms, or other objects when working at a desk or eating

Proprioceptive Motor Dysfunction

_______ Difficulty digesting food properly, often experiencing constipation or 'leaky gut'

_______ Difficulty passing stool or urinating 'on command', may have a 'shy bladder'

_______ Difficulty swallowing food properly, frequently gagging or choking

_______ Frequently have a heartbeat or respiration rate that doesn't match your condition (i.e. heart racing and breathing heavily when at rest, or vice versa)